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About Reiki

Reiki - (pronounced Ray Key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. It promotes balance, wholeness, healing and consciousness. It is a releaser, activator, energizer and transformer of energy. Reiki was founded by Dr Mikao Usui (photo right).

Reiki is a natural hands on healing technique. Reiki is a holistic therapy that treats body, mind and spirit, and complements all other forms of treatment. 

A treatment is given fully clothed. The Reiki recipients' privacy, modesty and dignity are always respected. For enhanced relaxation, the recipient is usually lying down, but could be sitting or even standing. There are seven classic techniques that are used. 


The feelings experienced by the recipient during a Reiki treatment vary from person to person, and also vary from session to session. Treatments are typically very relaxing, and recipients often fall into a lovely drifting state, or even fall asleep. There may be a feeling of euphoria, and a general sense of security and peace. 


Reiki heals the body, the mind and the spirit and helps prevent disease and illness. Reiki is perfect for the troubled times we live in.


If you would like to know more about Reiki please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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