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A typical session - 

A Reiki session is relaxing, gentle, and safe. It can be used to treat a huge range of physical, mental and emotional ailments. Reiki is not used to replace any conventional medical treatments, but works well when used in conjunction with conventional medicine and is a particularly effective complementary therapy.


Most treatments consist of “hands-on” healing but it should not be thought of in any way as faith healing. No faith is required – just a willingness to be treated. Alternatively, the practitioner may position her hands just above the body.


The client always remains fully clothed, usually lying on a couch or sitting in a comfortable, safe and private environment. Prior to the treatment, the practitioner will talk confidentially to you about your general state of well-being, as well as discussing any specific problems and medical treatments you are having. 


During the first session. we will discuss your case history and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have before your Reiki treatment.  Subsequent sessions tend to last about an hour, but all treatment sessions are unique so this can vary depending on the individual's need.

A freshly made tea made from herbs from my garden is the perfect way to end a treatment.

The treatment itself is never intrusive and usually you will begin to feel very relaxed. It is a remarkable experience and for most the effects are immediate. People often arrive for a treatment in great pain and leave with none or very little. Reiki always goes where it is needed most whether it is mental, physical, or emotional. 

Reiki full body massage therapy

A full body Reiki massage can help with all sorts of physical ailments, from trivial aches and pains, to life changing conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and cancer. It can also help those going through the menopause, as well as people with conditions such as Fibromyalgia or chronic pain. Stress levels can be reduced and a full treatment is particularly effective at combating anxiety and depression. A treatment is deeply relaxing and revitalizing depending on the client's needs. A full Reiki massage treatment is also a wonderful way to pamper yourself when you just need to give yourself a hug.




Guided meditation for mind, body and spirit

Mediation is great way to develop self-awareness and unlock blocked energies within the body. Learning to balance your inner self and letting go of all the stresses and strains of modern life can help improve self esteem, confidence and revitalize you.

Reiki pampering

Reiki pampering is a full body treatment that helps rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. It is a wonderful experience which uses traditional Japanese Reiki, along with shiatsu and reflexology techniques combined with the beautiful aromas of essential oils, which have been blended to bring balance and harmony. Total Relaxation!

Fighting depression

Reiki is natural and holistic. It can be used to fight depression, anxiety and stress. Reiki helps calm the muddled mind. It works well with mainstream medicine as a complimentary therapy but for those who want to go completely holistic, a course of Reiki treatments can be very effective. However, always consult your doctor before stopping any prescribed medication. Depression can be very confusing and devastating both for those going through it and their family members. Reiki is a healthy and non-aggressive treatment that helps synchronize the mind and body’s energy.


Reiki meditation and self worth

Reiki meditation techniques will help balance and focus the mind and body. Reiki meditation techniques allow the letting go of the anxieties and frustrations of modern-day living, bringing self-worth into perspective and building confidence. Following a positive path, using visualisation and focusing on the “now” overcomes the negative and promotes self-healing and confidence, putting us in harmony with ourselves.

Reiki head massage therapy

Reiki head massage is incredibly relaxing. It has been shown to be very beneficial in helping to lower stress levels by reducing muscle tension in the neck and shoulders which can cause headaches and migraines, which in turn can themselves contribute to depression and ill health.




Reiki hand massage therapy

Receiving a Reiki hand massage can provide you with significant health benefits. Hand massage is relaxing, soothing and comforting. It can help with arthritic problems in the hands and can help to reduce blood pressure and stress. It provides you with immediate health benefits, such as improved finger and wrist range of motion, and enhanced circulation.

Reiki foot massage therapy          

Reiki foot massage is a totally relaxing experience and is an incredible healing force that can help alleviate many symptoms such as reducing the effects of depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, and dizziness. It can improve circulation as well as help treat the underlying cause of many internal diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetes.

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